Simple Swing Trading – The KISS System
Yes, KISS stands for Keep it Simple Stupid.
Trading should not be hard. Trading should not be overly complicated.
With hundreds of indicators out there with thousands of combinations I wanted to give you a simple yet effective swing trading system that is easy to understand and can be easily scanned for.
I have developed a three chart system using just three primary indicators. These charts along with some secondary indicators I use for confirmation will give you everything you need to become a successful swing trader with a little bit of practice and a small time commitment either daily or weekly depending on how often you trade.
Yes, you can even trade using just one of the chart set ups, but I highly recommend using all three. Successful swing trading is about confirmation and understanding the most probable set ups for making money.
You can use my KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) swing trading system with either shares of the stock or options. The KISS system is a 100% technical based analysis for ease of use and is fully scalable with proper portfolio and risk management.
The KISS system will give you everything you need to understand price action, find long/short areas, set targets and most importantly you will learn where NOT to enter a trade.
Just in case my book is not enough, you also get access to my YouTube channel with even more examples and more trading strategies. The only thing keep you from being a successful swing trader is you.
Who this book is for:

- New Traders
- Discouraged Traders
- Traders that want to Learn
- Swing Traders
- Position Traders
- Trend Traders
- Traders looking for an Edge
- Traders who just blew up an account
- Stock Share Traders
- Options Traders
Who this book is NOT for:
- Expert traders (Who already know everything)
- Anyone looking for a get rich quick trading system
- People who can’t follow rules
- Gamblers
- Negative People
- Disbelievers
- People with more Money than they Know what to do with
- People who believe a simple moving average crossover consistently works.
- People who expect you do do everything for them (although I just about do in the book).
The book is filled with over 100 pages of instructions and chart examples. Yes, I could have given you 300 pages, but do you want a lot of filler or do you want to start trading? Don’t worry if you need more information, inside the book are links to many other trades, examples and analysis.
You could spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to learn a Swing Trading Strategy, or you could just buy the book. If you really like it I will gladly accept donations if it makes you feel better!