DIA – 9/4/18 – Iron Condor

DIA – 9/4/18 – Iron Condor

I started this trade with DIA trading at 259.18 and it did not go as smoothly as some of my others. On 10/3 I was considering rolling this trade out another month or closing for a small profit.

In the end I decided to hold and let the probabilities play out a little longer. DIA cooperated and pulled back and hit my updated GTC order on 10/8. I say updated because I decided to take less profit on the pull back as opposed to holding to see what happened. Perhaps I got a little lucky here or perhaps the percentages favored me.

I closed this trade for a $64.00 profit on a risk of $756.00 or 8.47% over 34 days.

Date EXP Strike Price Ct C/P Cost Balance
09/04/18 BO 10/19/18 $244.00 $1.12 2 C -$224.00 -$224.00
09/04/18 SO 10/19/18 $249.00 $1.62 2 C $324.00 $100.00
09/04/18 SO 10/19/18 $267.00 $1.14 2 P $228.00 $328.00
09/04/18 BO 10/19/18 $272.00 $0.42 2 P -$84.00 $244.00
10/08/18 BC 10/19/18 $267.00 $0.85 2 C -$170.00 $74.00
10/08/18 SC 10/19/18 $272.00 $0.15 2 C $30.00 $104.00
10/08/18 BC 10/19/18 $249.00 $0.47 2 P -$94.00 $10.00
10/08/18 SC 10/19/18 $244.00 $0.27 2 P $54.00 $64.00
Profit of: $64.00



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