In a previous post I discussed the advantages of an deep in the money covered call. Yes, I know the overall returns are not as good as an at the money or out of the money covered call but as crazy as this market is I prefer the lower gains and added protection. DIS is […]
Category: Uncategorized
Bollinger Band Trading System

There are lots of strategies out there for trading stocks, we want to give you one for free just for signing up to our newsletter. You can unsubscribe anytime but we think you will enjoy the free training, strategies and trade ideas we share with you.
Covered Calls – You are Doing it WRONG!
Covered Calls – You are Doing it WRONG! What if we told you everything you have been taught about writing Covered Calls is Wrong! What if we told you, you had been doing it wrong this entire time? Would you listen? Can we convince you there is a better way? If you can give […]
What are the Markets doing today?
What is up with the Market today? Over the past few weeks I have been saying it was time for a pullback in the market. Trading at all time highs with relative strength well in the over bought range. Today it went down as far as the 30 EMA and a 127% Fibonacci retracement from […]
How much do you Need to Retire in Comfort?

How Much Do You Need To Retire In Relative Comfort? Thoughts of retirement started flowing through the minds of most people the very day they got their first jobs. In most cases, your employer started thinking about it right there too. After all, no condition is permanent. Life is in phases; and the earlier you […]
WMT – 10/12/18 – Iron Condor
WMT – 10/12/18 Iron Condor Normally you can count on WMT to trade in a relatively predictable manner, but not always which is what I ran into on this trade. On 10/12 with WMT trading at $94.52 I decided to place an Iron Condor trade. I sold the 11/16 $100 Call and purchased the $105 […]
FXE – 10/3/18 – Broken Wing Iron Condor
FXE – 10/3/18 – Broken Wing Iron Condor When I can find opportunities I like to trade FXE because it trends well. Finding premium can be a challenge, however. On 10/3 with FXE trading at $110.26 and Implied Volatility at 54.75 I was able to get into a Broken Wind Iron Condor with no upside […]
March 1st 2019

3/1/19 Weekly Recap and Look to Next Week We got our pull back this week bottoming out on Wednesday. We entered a SPY test trade off the bounce which we are still in. Closed half for profit and moved rest to break even. Butterflys We closed 2 of our butterflys this week for profit. We […]
Covered Calls – You are Doing it WRONG! What if we told you everything you have been taught about writing Covered Calls is Wrong! What if we told you, you had been doing it wrong this entire time? Would you listen? Can we convince you there is a better way? If you can give us […]
High Probability Options High probability options trading is all about trades that give you be best chances to be successful. We use Iron Condors, Broken Wing Iron Condors, Butterflys and Strangles to give us the best chances for successful trades based on current market conditions, option delta and volatility. We do not use chart patterns […]