EEM – 10/12/18 – Iron Condor This was a hedge trade I had on a Diagonal that was losing money. I wanted to try and take advantage of EEM moving into a sideways range after a move down and use that premium to help my Diagonal. I entered this Iron Condor with EEM trading at […]
Author: Jim Dawson
March 29th 2019

March 29th 2019 Weekly Recap and Look to Next week In our March 22nd outlook for this week we said we would be looking for long opportunities this week as long as 2800 held. It didn’t and we ended up taking a short trade and made a little money. Overall, this week there has been […]
WMT – 10/12/18 – Iron Condor
WMT – 10/12/18 Iron Condor Normally you can count on WMT to trade in a relatively predictable manner, but not always which is what I ran into on this trade. On 10/12 with WMT trading at $94.52 I decided to place an Iron Condor trade. I sold the 11/16 $100 Call and purchased the $105 […]
March 22nd 2019

3/22/19 Weekly Recap and Look to Next Week We pretty well called this week in our summary lasts week. Had strength starting the week and then got the pull back we were looking for. We were a little surprised by the strength of the move up on Thursday but it did help our SPY trade […]
COST – 10/8/18 – Iron Condor
COST – 10/8/18 – Iron Condor I liked the price action on COST and was able to get a pretty good premium (or at least I initially though so) with Implied Volatility at 34.04 so I decided to go with an Iron Condor. On 10/8 with COST trading at 223.27 I sold the 11/16 $240 […]
FXE – 10/3/18 – Broken Wing Iron Condor
FXE – 10/3/18 – Broken Wing Iron Condor When I can find opportunities I like to trade FXE because it trends well. Finding premium can be a challenge, however. On 10/3 with FXE trading at $110.26 and Implied Volatility at 54.75 I was able to get into a Broken Wind Iron Condor with no upside […]
March 15th 2019

3/15/19 Weekly Recap and Look to Next Week Last week we said we thought the market would either drop into a range or move up. Truthfully, I thought I would move up gradually off support back toward the high. I was somewhat surprised by the strength of the move on Monday and the fact that […]
TLT – 10/2/18 – Broken Wing Iron Condor
TLT – 10/2/18 – Broken Wing Iron Condor I started this trade with TLT trading at $116.98 and took a no upside risk trade using the Broken Wing Iron Condor strategy. TLT however did not cooperate. On 10/2 I sold the 11/16 $115 Call and purchased the $116 Call. I also sold the $115 Put […]
March 8th, 2019

3/8/2019 Weekly Recap We missed our prediction for the market this week. We did get the move about $281.30 we thought we would get but we got an immediate and strong pull back which continued throughout the week. Just goes to show that technical analysis can’t over power market events. Weakness has been pretty strong […]
NKE – 10/2/18
NKE – 10/2/18 – Iron Condor NKE had a big earnings Implied Volatility drop after earnings but still looked pretty good for an Iron Condor. I could have gotten more premium trading before earnings but there is a huge risk doing that, which is why you get more premium. On 10/2 I sold the 11/16 […]