Poor man’s covered call strategy is an innovative way to make money through the stock market without investing a lot of money or having to be an expert in financial matters. This type of investing strategy can be both lucrative and low-risk if done correctly. Read on to learn the secrets to profiting from […]
Tag: diagonal
Covered Call Strangle Entry
Covered Call – The Strangle Entry When people learn option trading strategies they typically start with the old faithful of option trading strategies, the covered call. Trading a covered call option strategy is one of the foundation option trading strategies that everyone learns. But, what some people do not realize is that a covered call […]
February 8th 2019 Weekly Review and Look to Next Week
2/8/2019 Weekly Recap and Look to Next Week. The good news is we were eventually right about the market being over bought and going to pull back. The bad news is we were off on our timing. Which resulted in us rolling our SPX Iron Condor the day before the pull back because our Calls […]