Category: Education

A Beginner’s Guide To Stock Collar Options Trading

A collar option strategy is an options strategy that involves buying stock, stock futures, or options to create a position that has downside protection and the potential for profit if the price of the underlying asset rises. A stock collar strategy is a combination of covered call and long put options designed to limit losses […]

What Are The Main Economic Factors Influencing Oil Prices?

Oil prices are the most vital factor of oil, and they directly impact the global market. They dictate production, production costs, supply, demand, and speculations. But what factors affect oil prices? And how do they influence the oil market? Understanding the economic factors that influence oil prices will help us make informed decisions about our […]

The Long Put

The Long Put The Long Put is another of the most basic of options strategies you can use when trading options. It is easy to understand and you know your risk when you enter the position. Most people do however, forget about the effect of Delta on the position. When purchasing an option, I like […]

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